by John Scott, Scott Long Construction
What are the factors to consider when purchasing property for your future church home? There are many. Here is a quick rundown….
Vision – Who are we as a congregation? What kind of ministry do we have or want to have? Where do we want to be located? How big do we think we are going to be? Who will champion our vision and lead the charge us in pursuing our vision?
Budget – How much can we afford? This answer will come from four questions: How much is in the bank that we can spend on a property or construction? How much surplus do we have annually in our budget? Are we willing to take on debt? How much money can we raise?
Committed team – Do we have volunteers or staff committed to following through on the process? Is each individual on the team passionate about and sold out to the vision? Are they intimately involved in the ministries of the church? The search for a property takes a lot of time and money. Committing to a commercial real estate broker and touring various properties takes a ton of time. Hiring an architect, land use attorney, and civil engineer to perform feasibility studies, getting zoning approvals – this means lots of meetings and spending real money on property that may or may not be right for you.
If you can answer these questions with clarity and still feel great about proceeding….go for it!